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Links to our Resources by Character Qualities

(Organized by the General Categories Adopted by Cobb County Board of Education, Marietta, Georgia, Broadened and Modified to Include Characteristics Taught Elsewhere)
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Welcome to our resources! Please let us know if you have any suggestions -- people we should study to get illustrations from, activities that work for a certain character quality, etc. We learn from you guys on the front lines! 

Caution: The stories from the "Intercom Insights" are also included in the Quotes/Stories/Activities section. If you're a teacher and your principal uses the "Intercom Insights," don't steal his/her thunder by using his illustrations with your class. You may miss a promotion!  

Showing Regard for the Worth of Someone or Something

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Intercom Insights, Illustrations, Quotes, Stories, Activities and Lesson Plans.



Pride and belief in one's self and in achievement of one's potential. Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Self-Worth, Self-Acceptance, Contentment, Pride Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Self-Respect...

Lessons on Self-Respect...

Self- control/

Control of your actions and emotions; the habit of excellence of one's character that defines one's moral personality

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Self-Control...

Lessons on Self-Control...


Respect for those individuals who are in positions of responsibility, using proper etiquette in relation to them. Manners, Politeness, Not Rude

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Authority...

Lessons on Authority...


Appreciation for the importance of and effort involved in acquiring knowledge. Wisdom-seeker. 

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Learning...

Lessons on Learning...

Humility* Recognizing that any given person is one's intellectual superior in some way and can be learned from. Recognizing the part other's have played in one's achievements. Teachable. Not Arrogant Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Humility...

Lessons on Humility...



Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Punctuality...

Lessons on Punctuality...


Worthy of confidence; reliable

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Trustworthiness...

Lessons on Trustworthiness...

Respect for others

Concern for and motivation to act for the welfare of others

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Respect for Others...

Lessons on Respect for Others...


Taking care of one's self and others;
to carry out a duty or task carefully and thoroughly

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Illustrations, Lessons, and Intercom Insights

School Pride/

Care and satisfaction in your school's environment; achievement and success Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on School Pride...

Lessons on School Pride...

Respect for
the environment

The conservation and care of your surroundings

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Respect for Environment...

Lessons on Respect for Environment...


Being responsible for your decisions and actions

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Accountability...

Lessons on Accountability...


Good-humored, bright and pleasant. Joyfulness, Optimistic.

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Cheerfulness...
Lessons on Cheerfulness...


A sense of what is right, just and true

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Honor...

Lessons on Honor...


Respectful devotion to one's country and/or school

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Illustrations, Lessons, and Intercom Insights



Respect for the rule of the majority Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Democracy...

Lessons on Democracy...


The ability to take winning and losing without gloating or complaining

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Sportsmanship...

Lessons on Sportsmanship...


Respectful devotion to one's country

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Patriotism...

Lessons on Patriotism...


A feeling of thankful appreciation for benefits received. Thankfulness, Appreciation.

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Gratitude...

Lessons on Gratitude...


Polite and courteous behavior toward others in words and action

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Courtesy/Civility...

Lessons on Courtesy/Civility...


Showing concern or sympathy for others

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Illustrations, Lessons, and Intercom Insights


Unselfish willingness to give and share your time and talents in your community. Selflessness, Other-Centered, Giving, Helpfulness, Sacrificial, Encourager, Not Greedy with money, energy or time. Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Generosity/Service...

Lessons on Generosity/Service...


Being gentle, willing to help, friendly and considerate 

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Kindness...

Lessons on Kindness...


Understanding, sensing and sharing in the feelings and emotions of others. Love, Sympathy, Compassion, Encourager.

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Empathy...

Lessons on Empathy...


The capacity to successfully manage high levels of change

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Illustrations, Lessons, and Intercom Insights



Positive attitude about, and trust in one's self; sense of security and self assurance Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Self-Confidence...

Lessons on Self-confidence...


Clever, imaginative and inventive; adaptability and versatility

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Creativity/Flexibility...

Lessons on Creativity/Flexibility...


Consistent attention to quality work; remaining focused on your goal

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Diligence...

Lessons on Diligence...


Proactive; thinking and taking action on your own

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Initiative...

Lessons on Initiative...


Relying on one's own abilities, efforts or judgments

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Self-Reliance...

Lessons on Self-Reliance...

Respecting the individual differences, views and beliefs of other people

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Illustrations, Lessons, and Intercom Insights



Recognition of the diversity of others, their opinions, practices and culture. Understanding, Open-mindedness, Tolerance Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Acceptance...

Lessons on Acceptance...


Benefiting yourself and others by ceasing to feel resentment toward others

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Forgiveness...

Lessons on Forgiveness...


Working together for a common purpose. Teamwork

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Cooperation...

Lessons on Cooperation...


Equal treatment of behavior and viewpoints of others

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Fairness...

Lessons on Fairness...


Seeks peaceful solutions to fights and quarrels.  Non-violent.

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Peacemaker...

Lessons on Peacemaker...

The obligation or pledge to carry out some action or to support some policy or person

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Illustrations, Lessons, and Intercom Insights



Sense of commitment and duty Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Dedication...

Lessons on Dedication...


The desire to move toward a goal

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Motivation...

Lessons on Motivation...


The inner strength to pursue a goal or task; will power

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Determination...

Lessons on Determination...


Working hard without giving up. Diligence, Work Ethic, Endurance.

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Perseverance...

Lessons on Perseverance...

Steadfast adherence to a strict code of moral, ethical or artistic values;
to consistently be truthful and fair

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Illustrations, Lessons, and Intercom Insights



Truthfulness and sincerity Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Honesty...

Lessons on Honesty...


The ability to be counted on and trusted

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Dependability...

Lessons on Dependability...


Faithful to a person, an organization or your country

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Self-Respect...

Lessons on Loyalty...


Daily decisions driven by thought-through convictions rather than the heat of the moment.  

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Convictions...

Lessons on Convictions...

Appreciation for attaining one's goals

Character Trait

Definition and Synonyms 

Links to Illustrations, Lessons, and Intercom Insights



To meet a challenge without giving in to fear Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Courage...

Lessons on Courage...


The power to wait calmly without complaining

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Patience...

Lessons on Patience...

Respect for the Creator

Information will be provided by state

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Respect for Creator...

Lessons on Respect for Creator...


Driven more by positive priorities than trivial distractions. 

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Purposefulness...

Lessons on Purposefulness...


Learning under wise advisors who have already achieved success. 

Intercom Insights/Quotes/ Stories/Activities on Self-Respect...

Lessons on Mentoring...

* Traits not included in the Cobb County list.