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Patience Quotes

Patience is waiting. Not passively waiting. That is laziness. But to keep going when the going is hard and slow - that is patience.

Not Just Passive Waiting

Everything comes  to those who hustle while they wait. (Edison)

Involves Getting Back Up

Fall seven times. Stand up eight. (Japanese proverb)

If you have made mistakes, even serious ones, there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down, but the staying down.
Mary Pickford (Gladys Louise Smith), American actress. 

It Can Save Your Life

One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole life. (Chinese Proverb)

If you are patient in one moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sorrow. (Chinese Proverb)

There will be a time when loud-mouthed, incompetent people seem to be getting the best of you. When that happens, you only have to be patient and wait for them to self destruct. It never fails. (Richard Rybolt)

It Solves Difficulties

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. (John Quincy Adams)

How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees. (William Shakespeare)

It's Necessary for Wisdom and Genius

Genius is eternal patience. (Michelangelo)

Patience is a necessary ingredient of genius. (Benjamin Disraeli, in Contarini Fleming (pt. IV, ch. 5)

Patience is the companion of wisdom (Saint Augustine)

Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience.  (George-Louis de Buffon)

It Helps Us Get What We Want

He that can have patience can have what he will. (Benjamin Franklin)

All things come round to him who will but wait. (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, from Tales of a Wayside Inn--The Student's Tale (pt. I)

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. [Phaedrus (Thrace of Macedonia), from Fables (I, 26, 12)]

It Leads to Success

Learn the art of patience. Apply discipline to your thoughts when they become anxious over the outcome of a goal. Impatience breeds anxiety, fear, discouragement and failure. Patience creates confidence, decisiveness, and a rational outlook, which eventually leads to success. (Brian Adams)

Patience is a most necessary qualification for business; many a man would rather you heard his story than granted his request.  (Lord Chesterfield)

The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it. (Arnold H. Glasgow)

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time. (Leo Tolstoy - Influential Russian novelist and philosopher)

There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no honors too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience. (La Bruyère)

Be patient and calm — for no one can catch fish in anger. (Herbert Hoover, American public servant and 31st president)

Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan ‘press on’ has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
(Calvin Coolidge, 30th American president)

Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances. (Thomas Jefferson) 

Little drops of water wear down big stones. (Russian Proverb)

A good golfer has the determination to win and the patience to wait for the breaks. (Professional Golfer Gary Player)

To know how to wait is the great secret of success. (Joseph Marie De Maistre)

The twin killers of success are impatience and greed. (Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine March 18, 2003)

It Leads to Scientific Discovery

If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient attention, than to any other talent. [Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)]

If we begin with certainties, we shall end in doubts; but if we begin with doubts, and we are patient in them, we shall end in certainties. (Sir Francis Bacon)

It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer. (Albert Einstein)

I think and think for months and years, ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right. (Albert Einstein)

It's Worth More Than Smarts

Patience and tenacity of purpose are worth more than twice their weight of cleverness. (Thomas Henry Huxley)

A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. (Dutch Proverb)

It's the Passion of Great Hearts

Endurance is the crowning quality, and patience all the passion of great hearts. [James Russell Lowell, from Columbus (1. 237)]

It's a Key to Successful Relationships

For the friendship of two, the patience of one is required. (Indian Proverb)

The practice of patience toward one another, the overlooking of one another's defects, and the bearing of one another's burdens is the most elementary condition of all human and social activity in the family, in the professions, and in society. [Lawrence G. Lovasik (The Hidden Power of Kindness)]

Never cut what you can untie. (Joseph Joubert)

Patience is the ability to put up with people you'd like to put down.

It's the Secret of Nature

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit. (Moliere)

It Helps Us to Understand

Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water. Be still and allow the mud to settle. (Lao Tzu)

It's the Greatest of All Virtues

Patience is the greatest of all virtues. (Cato the Elder - 234 BC - 149 BC)

It's a Root to Other Sins

There are two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness. [Franz Kafka (1883 - 1924)]

It Protects Us

Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will then be powerless to vex your mind. (Leonardo da Vinci) 

He who wishes to be rich in a day will be hanged in a year. (Leonardo da Vinci)

How to Be Patient

See Failures as Steps to Success

I never failed once. It just happened to be a 2000-step process.
(Thomas Edison, responding to a reporter who asked how it felt to fail 2000 times before successfully inventing the light bulb)

Just Do A Little at a Time

If you add a little to a little, and then do it again, soon that little shall be much. (Hesiod)

Rome was not built in a day. (Proverb)

If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees. (Hal Borland)

Be Patient in Simple Things

Only those who have the patience to do simple things perfectly will acquire the skill to do difficult things easily. (Johann Friedrich Von Schiller)

Learn to be Content

Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. (Helen Keller)

Never Quit

The way to succeed is never quit. That’s it. But really be humble about it.
(Alex Haley, Successful Author)

Don't Blame Others

People may fail many times, but they become failures only when they begin to blame someone else. (Don't know source)

Get Back Up

It is not falling into the water, but lying in it, that drowns. (Unknown source)

Winners are losers who got up and gave it one more try.  (Dennis DeYoung, songwriter and member of the successful rock band Styx)